So, it's been a long time.
Yes, it has really been a long time :-) I have just made four blog posts (including this one) in four years -- one in each year. I do not really know what prompted me to blog again. I guess, I've just really missed doing this. I have finally decided to get back to my computer and write again. Hopefully, this would not be the last time you would hear from me this year.
With the decision to revive this old blog of mine is also the radical resolution to revamp this not only in look but also in content. For those of you who have followed this blog for the past eight years (if there's anyone following at all.. LOL!), you might have noticed the change in title. Fantasies and Realities -- as I have named it before -- no longer exists as you have known it. Though, you could still find some of its contents here. The contents of Fantasies and Realities was more on the things that I used to love, opinions and reflections of things that don't really matter in life but somehow mattered to me, random thoughts, inspirational messages, community issues, musings of an immature teenager/young adult, and even jokes. I couldn't help but be amused of the things that I used to write about. Most of those things were really useless (only very few made sense to me). This is the main reason why I decided to change the name -- because I want this blog to talk about things that do matter. So, I have named this new blog "SOJOURN".
Why "Sojourn"?
Well, I have finally come to the realization that life here on earth is just temporary. It is not just short, it is fleeting. As fleeting as it is, our lives have a purpose. And I strongly believe that mine has too. So, I'm trying to make use and maximize my access to technology and some knowledge in order to make even a small impact to people whether I know them or not. I don't know if anybody would ever read my blog let alone stumble into it. But I do know this, I need to use whatever little talent I have and whatever resource that I have in order to obey the God that I serve.
So, from now on, all the posts in this blog will aim at nothing but to glorify my Lord Jesus Christ. May all of you who happen to come across this blog would be able to read some of its contents and be touched by God in your heart.
Enjoy reading!
Note: As of the moment, I have not made any new post except for this one. I am aiming to post something at least once a week, every Saturday perhaps. The blogs that are currently posted here were old ones written many years ago which I didn't delete just for the purpose of preserving whatever work I have done before. If you know of any blog that I have posted before which you could no longer find, be advised that I have already deleted it due to unknown authorship. Thanks :-)
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