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Showing posts from 2014

Dead to Sin

I have a confession to make. I sin.  That's hardly a surprise actually. All of us sin. However, the degree upon which we feel the shame and the guilt of sin vary from one person to another. Others feel a guilt so terrible that they condemn themselves while others feel sorry for what they have done but are able to shrug it off at the next moment. Probably for the most of us, we don't even realize that we have sinned.  I have learned nonetheless that there are some sins that you can easily avoid while there are others that make you struggle so hard you almost always want to give up. The sins that can be seen externally most often are the ones that are easy to overcome. But the sins that lurk in your heart -- the ones that other people wouldn't even know that you have (and most often than not you don't even know you have) -- are the ones that would make you think twice about your character. Then, one day, a thing or a person or a circumstance, causes that sin hi...

Invictus -- A House Built on Sand

The most difficult time of my life thus far is probably not a secret. Most people who are close to me know about it though only very few are familiar with all the details. I didn't necessarily broadcast it and I didn't keep it a secret either. It's just that, people were not asking.  At that time, my plan was to write a blog about it. Even when I was still in the hospital, in my mind I was already planning how I would write it and when I would write it. When I finally reached the chosen time of writing what I was planning, I really couldn't do anything other than stare at my laptop with an open Word Document which remained blank for several hours. I tried to write many times because I knew that I didn't go through what I went through just to keep things to myself. There is always a greater reason for every circumstance, I thought. But despite trying so many times, I really couldn't get myself to write. Hours became days, days became weeks, weeks became mon...

New Life, New Beginnings

So, it's been a long time. Yes, it has really been a long time :-) I have just made four blog posts (including this one) in four years -- one in each year. I do not really know what prompted me to blog again. I guess, I've just really missed doing this. I have finally decided to get back to my computer and write again. Hopefully, this would not be the last time you would hear from me this year.  With the decision to revive this old blog of mine is also the radical resolution to revamp this not only in look but also in content. For those of you who have followed this blog for the past eight years (if there's anyone following at all.. LOL!), you might have noticed the change in title. Fantasies and Realities -- as I have named it before -- no longer exists as you have known it. Though, you could still find some of its contents here. The contents of Fantasies and Realities was more on the things that I used to love, opinions and reflections of things that don't re...