I have a confession to make. I sin. That's hardly a surprise actually. All of us sin. However, the degree upon which we feel the shame and the guilt of sin vary from one person to another. Others feel a guilt so terrible that they condemn themselves while others feel sorry for what they have done but are able to shrug it off at the next moment. Probably for the most of us, we don't even realize that we have sinned. I have learned nonetheless that there are some sins that you can easily avoid while there are others that make you struggle so hard you almost always want to give up. The sins that can be seen externally most often are the ones that are easy to overcome. But the sins that lurk in your heart -- the ones that other people wouldn't even know that you have (and most often than not you don't even know you have) -- are the ones that would make you think twice about your character. Then, one day, a thing or a person or a circumstance, causes that sin hi...