Unbelievably, I have been single for seven months – the longest period of time ever that I have been in this state since I was sixteen years old. Now, I am twenty-two years old and it has been roughly about six years since I had my first boyfriend. I am single and I am enjoying it. Oddly though, the past seven months of my life have been… uhmm… should I say the most promiscuous. Nuh-ahh.. not in the true sense of the word but promiscuous in a sense that I have been constantly seeing more than just one guy at a time. The relationships are more than just platonic but they’re less than romantic. They’re sort of a mutual understanding that these relationships couldn’t and shouldn’t escalate to a higher level. They’re more of the so-called “friends with benefits” but not the s-e-x benefit. Never ever the s-e-x benefit. On one side, here’s a guy who has been with me through the joys and the sorrows. He was my long-time boyfriend and I really appreciated, and I still do appreci...