Hello again! This blog became dormant again and now it’s going to have a reboot. I know that the last time this blog had a reboot way back two years ago I promised to write more often. Sorry guys, I wasn’t able to follow through with this promise due to busyness and just simply the distractions of life. This time I’m not going to promise anymore but what I’m going to do for sure is to try to write more often. Though I know, the entries would only come if and only if I cannot fight the urge to write. So here you go, I’m writing again. For those who visited this blog for the very first time, let me tell you that this actually started back when I was still in college. Back then, it was a very personal space and the things that were shared here were very personal things. So, if you try to go through the archive, you might find some things that are quite immature and some thoughts that I may or may not necessarily believe right at this moment. This was the very reason why I decide...